LowIQTrash » Today, 3:05 am » wrote: ↑
Nixon ran on anti-war sentiment, and all he did was prolong the Vietnam War
Only when the war became untenable did he finally capitulate (but by then he was out of office on bogus charges - in fact, you can even argue Nixon was JFK's silent successor who shared similar foreign and domestic policy ideas)
IIRC Nixon said some bad things about the tiny hats, so his legacy is forever tarnished, even though he wasn't as bad as the history textbooks claim he was
If you think this is bad now, wait until the budget deficits spiral out of control and the US enters a severe recession. Trumpty Dumpty's woes are just getting started, which CONFIRMS my suspicions the DemocRats threw the election on purpose
Which President got the USA involved with Vietnam? JFK and LBJ expanded it into what Nixon was stuck with in 1969. Same damned cycle still played out in 2025. Just the great grandchildren re[peating history of their great grandparents again.